Tuesday, August 28, 2012

11 important & easy food that can help your body function well

Why take pills if you can eat these 11 everyday foods that can help cure most common illnesses? 

See what kind of foods you can eat to cure these illnesses:

The Solution: Tart cherries—one cup, or two glasses of juice, daily, before and during exercise 
The Science: Contains the same anti-inflammatory enzymes as ibuprofen, without the potential kidney and stomach-related side effects.

The Solution: Sunflower seeds—a quarter cup daily 
The Science: These vitamin E-loaded seeds will protect the neurons in your brain from oxidative stress, which means you keep your memory longer. 

The Solution: Apples—one daily 
The Science: Leave the peel on—it’s full of ursolic acid, which fuels the production of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) and insulin, two hormones important in building muscle. 

The Solution: Eggs—one daily 
The Science: Eggs are packed with choline, a nutrient that boosts the brain’s ability to relay commands to the rest of your body while also maintaining the structure of your brain’s cell membranes. 

The Solution: Oranges—one daily, or six ounces of juice 
The Science: Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, the protein that keeps skin elastic. 

The Solution: Brown rice—one cup of cooked rice daily
The Science: Carbs help regulate the production of serotonin, a key neurotransmitter in controlling mood and suppressing anxiety. A complex carb like brown rice will give you the best high-carb-low-cal combo. 

The Solution: Chicken—four ounces daily 
The Science: Tryptophan is often associated with turkey, but chicken contains more of the amino acid that helps the body produce the sleep-friendly hormone. 

The Solution: Green tea—one cup daily, after a meal 
The Science: The puffiness that creates dark circles under your eyes is often caused by fluid retention. Green tea is a diuretic that’ll reduce unwanted swelling all over your body.

The Solution: Peppermints—one or two after dinner 
The Science: Peppermint has long been associated with aiding digestion and has also been shown to soothe inflammatory pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Peppermint tea also works.

The Solution: Bananas—one daily 
The Science: The potassium-packed fruit is also a great source of magnesium, a key element in producing and storing energy. 

The Solution: Peanuts—a quarter cup daily
The Science: If you’re not producing enough gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), your brain is more prone to let anxiety run wild. Peanuts are one of the best (and tastiest) sources of
glutamine, the amino acid needed to make GABA.

Friday, August 17, 2012

6 reasons why you should pick up badminton as a sport

There are many reasons for playing sports. One of the main reason is the keep fit and healthy.
Here are 6 reasons why we should picked up badminton as a sport which benefits our health.

1) Badminton has many health benefits.
In fact studies show that if you play badminton, the longevity of your life improves by at least 2 years and it will make your body much healthier. This shows that if you play badminton regularly (at least 30 minutes a day after the proper warm-up), you can get these benefits for optimal health.

Playing badminton increases your HDL (high density lipoprotein) which carries the good cholesterol in our body, so it reduces the risk of having heart disease. In addition, badminton also decreases blood pressure as much as anyone 11/8mm Hg. This is very useful, especially for those with hypertension, because it will help to avoid stressing the heart too. Moreover,  it also decreases the production of sugar by the liver. This helps us prevent certain illnesses like diabetes. Similarly, it helps us to avoid obesity and other diseases related to obesity such as diabetes and hypertension. It helps players to burn body fat by about 7%, so it really helps to lose weight quickly and naturally.

Hence by playing badminton, one can improve cardiac-respiratory fitness, which helps to improve endurance, give more endurance, increase energy, and provide better sleep, making one much happier. In short, it improves the welfare.

2) Speed / Reflex / Intelligence

Badminton speeds up and improves reflexes as it is a fast paced game. That is why players must be vigilant and powerful all the times. Intelligence is also a factor as the players should know how to trick their opponents in every shot to win the game. So, in a way it helps to develop agility, strength and intelligence.

3) Physical Fitness
Yes, be prepared to sweat alot in this game. This helps you to burn your excess body fat! A game to lose weight fast and naturally.

4) Fighting Fats and Diseases
During the game, good cholesterol will be produced in our body and bad ones will thrown out.

5) Social Life
Making new circles of friends.

6) Fun & Enjoyment in Life
Yes, there will be lots of fun, either in teamwork or fast response. Have fun!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol?

What is Cholesterol? 

Most people kind of mixed up the good and bad cholesterol presenting in their body. Cholesterol is a fat (lipid) that is produced by the liver and is crucial for normal body functioning. Cholesterol exists in the outer layer of every cell in our body and has many functions. It is a waxy steroid and is transported in blood plasma of all animals. It is the principal sterol synthesized by animals - small amounts are also synthesized in plants and fungi.

What are the functions of cholesterol? 

1) It builds and maintains cell membranes (outer layer), preventing crystallization of hydrocarbons in the membrane.
2) It is essential to determine which molecules can pass into the cell and which can not (permeability of the cell membrane).
3) It is involved in the production of sex hormones (androgens and estrogens).
4) It is essential for the production of hormones released by the adrenal glands (cortisol, corticosterone, aldosterone, and others).
5) It helps in the production of bile.
6) Converts sunlight to vitamin D.
7) It is important for the metabolism of fat soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E and K.
8) It insulates nerve fibers.

All these functions are essential for our body to work properly. However, whatever is too much or too little is not good as body needs a balance.

10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

If you are experiencing high cholesterol, here are 10 easy ways to reduce your cholesterol level.

1) Eating the right kind of fat to reduce cholesterol
Foods high in monounsaturated fat, like almonds and avocados, will boost HDL (good cholesterol). Almonds are 70% monounsaturated fat and also contain two powerful antioxidants: vitamin E and flavonoids, which prevent LDL (low cholesterol) oxidation. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon and flax seeds, also a good HDL-raising reputation.

2) Cut down/avoid coffee or caffeine drinks
Caffeine junkies should note that drinking three to six cups a day will increase your cholesterol by eight to ten percent, according to a U.S. National Institutes of Health study. The report also found that coffee drinkers rose from 18% in their fatty acids in the blood, the substance that stimulates the production of bad cholesterol.

3) Choose low GI carbs
High-carbohydrate diet packed with pasta and bread tend to have lower HDL levels than diet containing lots of protein, healthy fats and fruits and vegetables. The switch to low glycemic index carbohydrates (GI) rating, such as beans and wholemeal bread will also help you keep your energy levels stable and lose weight.

4) Working out & staying fit

Working out raises your levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL is the substance that takes cholesterol away from cells - where high levels can increase the risk of coronary heart disease - and to the liver, where it is either broken down or excreted. But that does not mean you have to run marathons. Studies have found that your HDL levels increased by only four sessions of 30 minutes moderate aerobic exercise per week.

5) Lose your gut
Another reason to ban the belly - overweight increases the levels of total cholesterol in the blood. Not only achieving extra inches around your waist throw your cholesterol levels out of balance, but will also increase the levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad cholesterol" - the kind that allows dangerous cholesterol to clog blood vessels.

6) Understand your health levels
The Department of Health guidelines state that your total cholesterol should be below 5 millimoles per liter (mmol / L) and your LDL cholesterol should be below 3 mmol / l. Home-test kits are available but are generally inconclusive, so if you take a reading is high and you should make an appointment to see your GP. He or she can arrange a blood test that can diagnose your blood cholesterol levels and, if necessary, test for conditions that may be responsible for the education of cholesterol, such as thyroid, diabetes is deficient and kidney and liver problems.

7) Quit smoking 

With all its other effects, smoking decreases HDL levels. So if you are fond of the odd fag, bump, it is the easiest way to give your good cholesterol a lift.

8) Stay calm 
People who are able to remain calm when faced with stressful situations advantage over increased levels of good cholesterol. Researchers at Oregon State University and the University of Hawaii found that people who responded to stressful situations with hostility had HDL levels below those that have managed to control their aggression.

9) Avoid saturated fats
Cut foods that are high in saturated and trans fats, because they stimulate the liver to produce extra cholesterol. The liver normally produces about 1 gram of cholesterol per day, but it can be multiplied by the consumption of foods such as fatty meats, casseroles, chips, desserts, cookies, cakes, pies and pastries.

10) Eat plenty of fiber to reduce cholesterol

The type of soluble fiber in oats, apples, pears, peas and beans among other foods can slow the rate of cholesterol and raise HDL. Eating these foods helps maintain your sense of satisfaction, which can help you lose weight. A bowl of whole grain cereals or porridge with berries is a good way to start the day.

So are you ready for it? Take up the challenge and you will find yourself a better health in 4 - 8 weeks.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Your basic guide to Nutrition

We have been hearing alot about the word "Nutrition", but what exactly is Nutrition? Here are some general knowledge for you to understand your body works.

Nutrition is the intake of food and beverages by the human body and the subsequent chemical and physical processes that occur in the body when food is broken down and nutrients needed to keep the body and keep it in good condition are released.

So, why is good nutrition so important? 

Nutrients derived from foods are essential to keeping the body healthy and alive. Nutrients are needed to build and repair cells and tissues of the body, to maintain the organs and bones in good working condition and to supply energy, fuel and heat.

Good nutrition is essential for good health and eating nutritious foods can help prevent against common diseases, and diseases of the life threatening diseases.

Medical scientists now believe that a third of all cancers and most cases of heart disease are linked to poor diet.

Today, we are increasingly aware of how our food is important to our health and it is vital that we eat the right kinds of foods daily to stay healthy and fit.

How can we achieve good nutrients? 

Different types of foods provide the body with different nutrients. It is impossible to obtain all the nutrients needed for good health and growth from one kind of food. Therefore, good nutrition and good health is achieved by eating a well balanced diet, a healthy and varied diet.

What is a balance diet? 

The key to getting all the nutrients to your body needs is by eating the right combination of foods - a balanced diet. This means eating a variety of foods from different food groups that together contain all the vitamins, minerals, and fuels - in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, macromolecules and fat your body needs. However, it is not a special diet that is best for obtaining all these nutrients. Vegans, vegetarians, people with diabetes, those with food allergies or celiac disease have very different diets but they can get good nutrition from what they eat.

What water is a source of vital nutrient?

Water is vital for life and our body depends on it. About 70% of our body is water and therefore water is essential for the body to function properly. Without water our body becomes dehydrated and eventually sick.

Our brains depend on proper hydration to function optimally. Brain cells require a delicate balance between water and various components to function, and when you lose too much water, this balance is disturbed. Your brain cells lose their effectiveness.

Research have found that when we are dry, we have more trouble holding our attention. Dehydration can impair the function of short-term memory and recall of long-term memory. The ability to perform mental arithmetic, as the calculation of whether or not you'll be late for work if you hit repeat for another 15 minutes, is compromised when the fluid is low.

During a typical period of 24 hours, we can go without water intake approximately 6 to 8 hours while we are sleeping. With every breath sleepy, you expel moisture, and the cumulative effect of a night's sleep is to dry out.