Monday, August 6, 2012

Your basic guide to Nutrition

We have been hearing alot about the word "Nutrition", but what exactly is Nutrition? Here are some general knowledge for you to understand your body works.

Nutrition is the intake of food and beverages by the human body and the subsequent chemical and physical processes that occur in the body when food is broken down and nutrients needed to keep the body and keep it in good condition are released.

So, why is good nutrition so important? 

Nutrients derived from foods are essential to keeping the body healthy and alive. Nutrients are needed to build and repair cells and tissues of the body, to maintain the organs and bones in good working condition and to supply energy, fuel and heat.

Good nutrition is essential for good health and eating nutritious foods can help prevent against common diseases, and diseases of the life threatening diseases.

Medical scientists now believe that a third of all cancers and most cases of heart disease are linked to poor diet.

Today, we are increasingly aware of how our food is important to our health and it is vital that we eat the right kinds of foods daily to stay healthy and fit.

How can we achieve good nutrients? 

Different types of foods provide the body with different nutrients. It is impossible to obtain all the nutrients needed for good health and growth from one kind of food. Therefore, good nutrition and good health is achieved by eating a well balanced diet, a healthy and varied diet.

What is a balance diet? 

The key to getting all the nutrients to your body needs is by eating the right combination of foods - a balanced diet. This means eating a variety of foods from different food groups that together contain all the vitamins, minerals, and fuels - in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, macromolecules and fat your body needs. However, it is not a special diet that is best for obtaining all these nutrients. Vegans, vegetarians, people with diabetes, those with food allergies or celiac disease have very different diets but they can get good nutrition from what they eat.

What water is a source of vital nutrient?

Water is vital for life and our body depends on it. About 70% of our body is water and therefore water is essential for the body to function properly. Without water our body becomes dehydrated and eventually sick.

Our brains depend on proper hydration to function optimally. Brain cells require a delicate balance between water and various components to function, and when you lose too much water, this balance is disturbed. Your brain cells lose their effectiveness.

Research have found that when we are dry, we have more trouble holding our attention. Dehydration can impair the function of short-term memory and recall of long-term memory. The ability to perform mental arithmetic, as the calculation of whether or not you'll be late for work if you hit repeat for another 15 minutes, is compromised when the fluid is low.

During a typical period of 24 hours, we can go without water intake approximately 6 to 8 hours while we are sleeping. With every breath sleepy, you expel moisture, and the cumulative effect of a night's sleep is to dry out.

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